Holt Hearing and Balance services

Diagnostic and rehabilitative services for patients with hearing, tinnitus and balance problems.

As consultant audiological scientists, we provide a full range of diagnostic audio-vestibular assessments and rehabilitation packages, for adults and children with hearing and balance difficulties and for those with tinnitus.

Marianne and Philip Holt have over 30 years experience between them, helping patients with hearing, tinnitus and balance difficulties. They have both worked as consultant audiological scientists in the NHS and now run ‘Holt Hearing and Balance Services’, providing an extensive range of private assessments and advice on what can be done to help.

They passionately believe in delivering quality patient-focussed services encompassing your motivations, expectations, and lifestyle. When a joint scientific and medical assessment is needed we work closely with local medical ear nose and throat colleagues.


  • Hearing tests (full diagnostic pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry)
  • Tympanometry and middle ear analysis
  • Full range of evoked potential assessments, including cortical evoked response audiometry.
  • Tinnitus assessment and management programmes
  • Advice and provision of hearing/noise protection systems


  • Full diagnostic balance assessments (including ocular and functional assessment, videonystagmography / electronystagmography and bithermal calorics)
  • Positional vertigo assessment and management
  • Tailored balance rehabilitation and retraining management programmes

Private digital hearing aids

As independent registered hearing aid dispensers they are able to offer professional impartial advice on the best sort of hearing aid to meet your needs:

  • Assessment for digital hearing aid fitting
  • Fitting of a wide range of highly discreet, leading edge technology digital hearing aids
  • Rehabilitation tailored to patient’s individual needs
  • Full maintenance, repair, ongoing care and consumables available

They passionately believe in delivering quality patient-focussed services encompassing your motivations, expectations, and lifestyle. When a joint scientific and medical assessment is needed we work closely with local medical ear, nose and throat colleagues.

Contact details

01270 211009

