
Conditions treated

Abdominal excess skin and significant adherent scarring causing functional problems; arthritis; breast hypertrophy leading to functional problems; breast problems including congenital and acquired breast problems; bursitis; carpal tunnel syndrome; degenerative joint disease; digital mucoid cyst; dislocation; dupuytrens; excess skin post massive weight loss; facial deformities eg. prominent ears; ganglion; hand surgery; hyperhidrosis; infections; labial reduction; ligament rupture; malunion; nerve compression; neuromuscular; non-union numbness; pilonidal sinus; pressure sores; scars; severe breast hypoplasia; scars: skin lesions; steroid injection; stiffness; sublaxion; swelling; synovitis; tear; tendinitis; tendon rupture; tenosynovitis; trauma to hands, bone and soft tissue; trigger finger; xanthelasma.

Procedures performed at Sutton Medical Consulting Centre

  • Eyelid surgery
  • Botulinum toxin for hyperhidrosis
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Dupuytrens
  • Minor ops for skin lesions
  • Split earlobes
  • Steroid injections
  • Trigger finger
Mr Sunil S Thomas

Mr Sunil S Thomas


Mr Sunil S Thomas is a consultant cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon specialising in the surgical treatment and reconstruction of skin cancers, breast surgery and reconstruction and a full range of cosmetic procedures.

Mr Sunil Thomas, MB,BCh, MS, FAIS, FRCS (Plast), has been a consultant plastic surgeon at the Selly Oak and Queen Elizabeth Hospitals in Birmingham, now known as the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, since 2003. He trained overseas and at various hospitals in the UK including London, Bristol, Manchester and the West Midlands.

He completed a fellowship specialising in breast reconstruction at the prestigious Marie-Curie Cancer Institute in Paris. He has visited the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC), at New York and other institutes of repute in Europe and overseas. He is part of the multi-disciplinary teams in skin cancer and breast reconstruction and initiated the development of breast cancer reconstruction services in the Sutton Coldfield area of the West Midlands.

As part of his role as an aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgeon, he is an honorary lecturer for the use of silicone as a prosthetic material at the Birmingham Dental School for biomaterials. He is actively involved in the teaching and training of plastic surgery trainees and medical students.

In addition to his special interests, Mr Thomas covers all aspects of general plastic and cosmetic surgery. He has presented and published scientific papers in his speciality and is actively involved with clinical audit, research and continuing medical education (CME).

Miss Ruth Waters

Miss Ruth Waters

FRCS (Plast)
  • Speciality: cosmetic surgery, breast surgery.
  • Special clinical interest: aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery.
  • NHS hospital: NHS Hospital Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
  • Year of first medical Qualification: 1983.
  • Current membership(s) of Professional, national and regional bodies: BMA, MPS, RSM.
Professional profile

Miss Waters is a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon at University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. She has a specialist interest in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast. She also has interests in skin oncology, skin lasers and microvascular surgery. As well as her work in Birmingham she provides breast reconstruction services to Queens Hospital Burton.

Miss Waters graduated from Southampton University and trained in plastic surgery in Norwich and the West Midlands. She has been a consultant for over 16 years and continues to develop reconstructive techniques. In particular she is able to provide the full range of reconstructive options in breast surgery and is one of the few surgeons in the region offering DIEP flaps.

Birmingham breast clinic

Birmingham Breast Clinic brings together leading breast and cosmetic surgeons, a clinical nurse specialist in breast reconstruction and tattooing, female anaesthetist and Macmillan Lymphoedema Clinical Lead.


Mr Marco Malahias